Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Update from Nana

I spent 3 and 1/2 hours holding my latest little grand-baby this afternoon and he never uttered a peep. And he smiled at me! I am sure the nurses would say it was gas, but I know he smiled at me. He just snuggled down in my arms and slept and slept. He knows a good thing when he sees it. I am sure he was thinking about how he was going to wrap Nana around his little finger!

He's still a little jaundiced so they did prick his foot and take blood when I first got there, and he did cry at that, but rest of the afternoon he never uttered a sound. He is by far the best baby in the nursery, I am sure. The little baby girl next to us kept letting the nurses know she wasn't happy all afternoon, but not Kaden.

And I sang his favorite songs to him. Doesn't matter that I can't sing. I've found my grandkids don't care. Jesus Loves Me was the first one I taught him. The second song I taught him was a song I wrote in the front of her baby book and I use to sing it to her also. So today, I sang it for Kaden. To the best of my memory, it goes like this:

"For I was born to be
Thy dwelling place
A home for the Presence
of the Lord
So let my life now be,
Consecrated unto Thee
That I might be
what I was born to be..."

I reminded the little fella that he was planned by God and has a destiny to fulfill. I prayed for his heart,-that he would have a strong heart -whether God did a creative miracle or did a miracle through the wonders of modern medicine,. I prayed for his jaundice to disappear and prayed that for all his organs to function as they were designed to function.

And I asked God to never let him remember the pain he is experiencing these first weeks of his life. To wipe any memory of it clean!

Kaden has what I call the "Wallace lips". They really come from the Wright side of the family but since his Poppy has those same lips and his momma has them and his brother Koda has them, I have always attributed them to the Wallace side of the family.

He is dark like his daddy and the Stinson side. His hair is coal black and his little eyebrows are dark. My guess is he will be like his daddy and Mark and retain the dark hair and probably have dark eyes. And his PaPa Stinson and his dad both have relaxed easy-going temperaments and Kaden seems to be like that too.

As I watched his little expressions change I could see Mark in him and Koda in him also. How strange. And I could see how he resembled his mother and it reminded me of the first time I held her in my arms and rocked and sang to her in the hospital too.

And this little fella has a MaMa Stinson in heaven and I am sure she too smiles at his birth because she is a part of that "great cloud of witnessses" the Bible talks about. I figure she has seen her latest little grandson and is pleased! I kissed him for you too today, my friend Ann!

I am at peace that all will be well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Mom always believed she had a "Guardian Angel" and now I believe she is heaven and watching over all of us, especially Kaden.