Saturday, February 27, 2010

Beef and Noodles

Here's a great recipe for beef and noodles that is quick and easy to fix. I first fry up my hamburger and drain it. Left over roast beef also tastes great in this meal. Then I heat up my water to boiling and when it is the correct temp as stated on the directions the noodles came in, I dump in my noodles . Egg noodles are best but Amish noodles also are great. My directions said to cook for 18 minutes. Drain.

While the noodles are boiling, combine a can of cream of mushroom soup, 3 cans of water, 1 package of dry onion soup mix, one can of brown gravy or whatever you have, and a small container of sour cream. Salt to taste.

Combine noodles, sauce mix and drained hamburger and stir everything together. Pour into a baking pan and bake in the oven on 325 for about 40 minutes. Or place in the frig overnight and let all the flavors marinate together.


1 comment:

Ella said...

Well that sounds easy enough Nana...We will try that one.
Blessings, GG