Saturday, September 9, 2017

I'm a bit of an "old soul"

I spent some time today trying to down size some of my "treasures."  I love old things.  Old jewelry,  old doilies,  old cross stitch,  old hand embroidered pillow cases,  old table cloths,  basically anything old.  Have I always been that way or did I acquire this "old soul" later in life?  I can't remember.  Some of these items belonged to my Grandma Hicks,  some were from my Great Aunt, and some I picked up from auctions where they were crying out to me as I walked by to take them home where they will be loved once again.

Vintage Aprons!  I love them!

  Tell me how this apron made of this material was used for anything but making the cook look good!

And vintage handkerchiefs!  I did buy a shadow box to display my vintage handkerchiefs in.  They are so lovely and delicate.  I'm guessing no real lady ever went anywhere without their delicate handkerchief. And I'm guessing she never blew her nose on them either!

Doilies!  Starched stiff!  I can't imagine how long it took to make one.  It's a dying art I'm afraid!

And look at the detail in these raised doilies!  I love them!

                  Next is table cloths.  This one looks like it was made from old flour sacks.

These table cloths with matching napkins have been starched and ironed.  I'm guessing they were only used for special occasions. And these probably haven't been unfolded for 50 years!

And I love old hand crocheted dresser scarves

 I've noticed many have these little crocheted edges.  And I also noticed pink seems to be the predominate color.

And my favorite is the beautiful pillow cases

Alas,  I am afraid this fine stitchery is a dying art...  

And finally I love old sparkly jewelry!  Which I like to put in a shadow box and hang on the wall. 

Hope you have enjoyed pictures of my treasures!  And I hope you are an "old soul" too!  We might meet someday at a flea market digging through the bins of old doilies or at an auction where someone else's treasures cry out for another "old soul" to take them home and love them again!  See you there!

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