On Sunday evening a group of friends and family gathered down at the pond to baptise two of my granddaughters as well as some other children.

My son talked to the kids about the importance and significance of baptism.

Grandpa Frank also helped Kevin baptise his grandchildren. They'll remember this forever won't they?

Here is Emilia being baptised.

Then came Katrina. There were several other kids baptised but unfortunately my camera chose that time to run out of battery so I had to stop and put in new batteries. I think there were 6 kids baptised all together.

We even made sure there was a special spot reserved for our special friend "Mrs. Laura" as the kids call her so she could get a good view of the kids being baptised. We love her very much.

We got a quick shot of all the kids that were there. This is the next generation being raised up to serve the Lord. And most of them are cousins!
Guess what the next question the kids asked following the baptism? What better way to cool off on a hot day.

And my daughter-in-law provided ice cream to add to the fun. Here's my grandson Caleb
diggin in.
Doesn't this remind you of an old-fashioned summer day just like on "The Walton's " show. I loved every minute of it all!
Loved this picture .

Here's my youngest son with my youngest grand-child
Kaden. I am pretty sure he is licking the top of his head instead of kissing it. Boys!

Kaden was really taking all this fun in. Isn't he precious? He thinks that is his name.

Played a little football--young and younger!
Showed a little muscle. I'm pretty impressed myself. Can't say that boy doesn't work! He's got the proof!

Good friends having good times together! That's what it is all about!
Hope you all had a great Sunday too! Enjoy life with your family and friends, take time to laugh and make memories together. Have no regrets!